Beyond the Post-Cold War Era

Between 1989 and 1991, the strategic map of Eurasia altered dramatically as broad swathes of territory reopened to international markets after a long period of enclosure behind communist walls. Demand for conventional military forces declined as NATO’s front-line confrontation with the countries of the Warsaw Pact disappeared. The two largest nuclear powers – the United States and the Russian Federation – could agree that they possessed superfluous nuclear weapons.

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Autor Nicholas Myers
Analyst of great power competition; Russian, US, and Chinese foreign policy; and the Russian and Belarusian militaries. He has been studying policy and statecraft for over 10 years, focusing especially on Russia. He has written a number of reports on the operational capabilities of the Russian military and overseen a wide variety of wargames of potential conflicts in the European Intermarium and Asia-Pacific regions. He is currently starting a PhD in Politics at the University of Glasgow, having just completed an MLitt in War Studies at the University of Glasgow and received his undergraduate degree from the Georgetown University School of Foreign Service in 2011.
Data 12/11/2020
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