Wpisy z kategorii: S&F Hero Found 129 results

If the Russians had taken Kyiv… Day by day

I present an alternative course of history. What if the Russians had achieved their goals and seized Kyiv in February 2022 in a brilliant four-day campaign and, as a result, established a sympathetic government fully implementing Moscow's will? The story begins on 28th February 2022...
S&F Hero 1 year temu

On killing – or, why do we need a military strategy at all? 

Strategia wojskowa to sposób przygotowania wojska, jego rozmieszczenia, szkolenia i ćwiczenia. Polega ona przede wszystkim na długoterminowym rozwijaniu szeroko pojętych zdolności, do których współcześnie bardziej pasuje określenie „system odporności państwa”...
S&F Hero 1 year temu

War in the Pacific, Autumn 2024, and the Prigozhin rebellion

Structural issues, i.e. a set of conflicting interests between the United States and China, prevent them from getting out of the spiral of growing rivalry in the summer of 2023...
S&F Hero 2 years temu

The road to war: economic sanctions Parallels: Italy 1935 – Russia/China 2023

Italy’s invasion of Ethiopia before World War II was the first serious opportunity to test the effectiveness of economic sanctions, the economic weapon of the then “international community” — the League of Nations. Specifically, how these sanctions worked in practice against a large state with an industrial base and a real army.
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S&F Hero, S&F Hero 2 years temu

Jake Sullivan at Brookings. The glass is still half empty

On Thursday 27th April, US National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan delivered a speech at the Washington-based Brookings Institution think tank...
S&F Hero 2 years temu

The latest arrangement of the AUKUS Alliance – a risky situation for Australia, unless…

Australia has entered into an alliance with the US and UK called AUKUS, which we at S&F refer to as the alliance of the nations of the World Ocean, aimed at preventing the consolidation of the Eurasian landmass under the sceptre of China...
S&F Hero 2 years temu

The Scandinavian connection

The war in Ukraine continues. Its course emphasises the very significant influence of the USA on the political system of Europe...
S&F Hero 2 years temu

Polish nuclear energy. Part 2: The Third Republic

The decision taken by the government of Tadeusz Mazowiecki in December 1990 to put the "Żarnowiec" Nuclear Power Plant then under construction into liquidation was preceded by a series of earlier political decisions...
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S&F Hero 2 years temu

Polish nuclear energy. PRL times. Part 1

Poland is the only country of the former Eastern bloc where no nuclear power plant was built...
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S&F Hero 2 years temu

Lessons from the war in Ukraine. Part 4

This part of the series is a record of conclusions and observations resulting directly from conversations with the participants of this war — soldiers and officers...
S&F Hero 2 years temu

Military alliance with Ukraine

Oleksij Arestowicz in his recent conversations, including one with me (which you can watch on social media), has started talking about the need to build a military alliance between Ukraine and Poland...
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S&F Hero 2 years temu

Lessons for Poland from the War in Ukraine. Part 3

Today - part three about lessons from the war, for Poland and for our military...
S&F Hero 2 years temu

Lessons for Poland from the War in Ukraine. Part 2

In February this year, war broke out in the east. Russia attacked Ukraine. A certain stage in the history of our region and in the history of the world has come to an end...
S&F Hero 2 years temu

Apocalypse (not) now, or Russian nuclear threats in Ukraine. Part 2

What if the Russians wanted to end the conflict by using threats or actually using nuclear weapons...
S&F Hero 2 years temu

Lessons for Poland from the War in Ukraine. Part 1

In February this year, war broke out in the east. Russia attacked Ukraine. A certain stage in the history of our region and in the history of the world has come to an end. For years, here at Strategy&Future, we have been talking and writing about the need to prepare for the new times, to prepare for the reform of the Polish military. These new times have come...
S&F Hero 2 years temu

Apocalypse (not) now, or Russian nuclear threats in Ukraine. Part 1

Almost exactly sixty years ago, in October 1962, the Cuban crisis took place...
S&F Hero 2 years temu

Winter is coming. Part 2

Sometimes offensive actions and the manoeuvre of heavy units are necessary, but they must be well thought out and planned, because this is completely different from defensive actions...
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S&F Hero 2 years temu

Winter is coming. Part 1

On the fields of Ukraine, the twentieth-century method of conducting land war (centred on attack, tank columns, a fairly shallow front, and always incomplete reconnaissance, where the fog of war still reigns) is dying out...
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S&F Hero 2 years temu

One step away. One step ahead?

How would the situation in Europe and in the world have developed if Kyiv had been captured by the Russians in the first days of the war?
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S&F Hero 2 years temu

The scalable world war ahead

Nancy Pelosi's visit to Taiwan begins a new era of confrontation between the US and China, and with it, marks the beginning of an already open conflict over Eurasia...
S&F Hero 2 years temu

Poland in Ukraine – a Strategy&Future project

We have long proposed at Strategy&Future to increase Poland’s activity "in the eastern direction", in particular in Ukraine...
S&F Hero 2 years temu

On the importance of the eastern direction in Poland’s policy for the next 20 years

Jak informują dziennikarze ukraińskiej edycji magazynu „Forbes”, firma DTEK Energo, której właścicielem jest największy ukraiński oligarcha Rinat Achmetow, jest obecnie, w związku z wojną, warta ok. 580 mln dolarów...
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S&F Hero 2 years temu

“The Anxious Dream”- à rebours? A political plan for Poland’s victory and peace in the East. Part 2

Just as one hundred years ago, the war did not bring about the establishment of a federation, despite the Kyiv expedition, Ukrainian attempts supported by Poland, great victories of the Polish soldiers near Warsaw and on the Niemen River...
S&F Hero 3 years temu

A few remarks on the political strategy of the Polish state in the new European circumstances (theses for discussion)

Interdependence is not a sufficient guarantee of peace, but breaking interdependence makes peace even more fragile and insecure. This is how one could define the essence of the strategic dilemma into which the democratic West has faced Russia since the outbreak of the war in Eastern Europe...
S&F Hero 3 years temu

Consequences of the war in Ukraine – the EU perspective

At the beginning of the 21st century, two main geopolitical visions were formed in the European Union...
S&F Hero 3 years temu

Nuclear signalling in the Russian-Ukrainian war

W niedzielę 27 lutego (na dzień przed spotkaniem rosyjskich i ukraińskich zespołów negocjacyjnych) prezydent Władimir Putin poinformował o postawieniu w stan podwyższonej gotowości sił nuklearnych Federacji Rosyjskiej...
S&F Hero 3 years temu

Ukrainian nuclear weapons, the great energy crisis and “the best place in the world”

In the 1990s, when Ukraine was forced to give up the nuclear weapons it had inherited from the Soviet Union, John Mearsheimer published a text that is forgotten today, arguing that Ukraine should remain a nuclear state against the will of the United States...
S&F Hero 3 years temu

What awaits us in 2022?

It seems that 2022 may not be easy, bringing many challenges to the world and Poland. We at S&F will list a few of them, focusing on the absolute most important issues...
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S&F Hero 3 years temu

India in the In-Between Era

India and their strategic thinking are generally unknown to us. Their classic Kautilya is not as popular as Sun Tzu or Clausewitz. Furthermore, modern Indian geostrategists or geopoliticians also remain beyond our interest...
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S&F Hero 3 years temu

Ukraine – intoxication, status diversification, Munich, the Cuban crisis and a few questions for Poland

The current crisis related to Russian political and military maneuvering, and the West’s reaction to it, forces us to reflect on several issues concerning Poland’s vital interests...
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S&F Hero 3 years temu

Polish Space Force. Part 2

We repeat: the key factor is the level of autonomy, i.e. that (and whether) we build these systems ourselves, put them into orbits...
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S&F Hero 3 years temu

Polish Space Force. Part 1

A revolution in the space domain of human activity is beginning before our eyes, caused by a technological breakthrough...
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S&F Hero 3 years temu

Operations “in the grey zone”, prospects for an armed conflict and Poland’s policy

Michael J. Mazarr, analysing conflicts in the “grey zone” in 2015, as part of a project initiated by the Strategic Studies Institute focusing on the changing nature of contemporary conflicts, attempted to formulate seven hypotheses about the future...
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S&F Hero 3 years temu

World Ocean versus the Continent. Part 2

The battlefield for superiority has always been value chains and the resulting global division of labour. They determine new technology and investment cycles...
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S&F Hero 3 years temu

World Ocean versus the Continent. Part 1

For centuries, the World Ocean has successfully held back continental powers and dictated the rules on which the world trading system should operate...
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S&F Hero 3 years temu

Reflections on Art. 5 of the NATO Treaty. Poland between Russia and Germany in autumn 2021

Earlier this month, I participated in a debate at a fairly large event, which is the annual Warsaw Security Forum...
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S&F Hero 3 years temu

Alliances and blocs in the era of great-power competition

Forming new alliances like AUKUS or the QUAD does not mean creating new blocs. “Inter-epoch” alliances, for the time in which we find ourselves, will be less formalised and more loosely structured...
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S&F Hero 3 years temu

On the phenomenon of senility. Or a further story of the New Model Forces. Part 2 (a fragment from “Wojna w kosmosie. Przewrót w geopolityce”)

Ultimately, the phenomenon of senility enhances geopolitical change by giving advantage to one side and taking it away from others....
ANW, S&F Hero 3 years temu

On the phenomenon of senility, or a further story of the New Model Forces. Part 1 (A fragment from “Wojna w kosmosie. Przewrót w geopolityce”)

The costs of designing, developing and producing weapons increase with the need to find a remedy for the enemy’s means of combating these weapons. And so the race between defence and attack is in full swing...
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ANW, S&F Hero 3 years temu

Reforms and innovations in the Polish Armed Forces. Towards a New Model Forces. Part 2. On strategic culture

Just as art arises from the meeting of culture with circumstances, and just as great art arises from an encounter with extraordinary circumstances, the way of waging war is a meeting of the strategic culture of a state with extreme circumstances, bringing death and destruction, sometimes even the end of that state...
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S&F Hero 3 years temu

Reforms and innovations in the Polish Armed Forces. Towards a New Model Forces. Part 1

In 2021, any thinking about reform or innovation in the Polish Armed Forces, or more broadly - in the immunity system of the entire Polish state...
S&F Hero 3 years temu

War in space – a turning point in geopolitics

For the first time mankind has reached the frontiers of space, not for glory, but simply to win the war. Now he is also reaching out to space to earn money...
S&F Hero 3 years temu

The game for agency after Nord Stream

The case of NS2, New START, the Three Seas Initiative and Biden’s arrangements with Putin close the period of 30 years of geopolitical pause for Poland...
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S&F Hero 3 years temu

Mental maps for the Polish elite in 2021

Here are nine points where, in my opinion, the geopolitical reality is different than at the time of the mental mapping of our elites in the last 200 years...
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S&F Hero 4 years temu

David and Goliath, or an Old Testament story about Poland’s New Model Forces (for those who can read between the lines). Part 2

The biblical story of David leads to several conclusions about the development of weapons and the nature of warfare. New breakthrough technology often feels less advanced than the old...
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S&F Hero 4 years temu

David and Goliath, or an Old Testament story about Poland’s New Model Forces (for those who can read between the lines). Part 1

In the time of Goliath, it was clear and obvious that heavy bronze armour and an iron-tipped spear were the basis of a soldier’s strength...
S&F Hero 4 years temu


After the recent talks between Blinken and Lavrov, and the US and Germany getting along over Nordstream, we smelled Rapallo. Obviously different than 100 years ago, but the mechanism is similar...
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S&F Hero 4 years temu

Return to the Republic: The Polish Premier at Wawel

We are continuing our new series at Strategy&Future, writing simulated speeches for Poland’s politicians on the most important and important issues of foreign policy and grand strategy. We associate it with real events and the opportunities to deliver such speeches...
Przemówienia, S&F Hero 4 years temu

Warsaw, its communication, fortifications and cursed latitudinal trail. Part 4

At the beginning of the 20th century, almost 260,000 Russian troops were stationed in the Polish theatre of war, including 216,000 in Congress Poland itself, of which 170,000 on the right bank of the Vistula...
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S&F Hero 4 years temu

Warsaw, its communication, fortifications and cursed latitudinal trail. Part 3

Both orientations of Polish foreign policy - “Piast” and “Jagiellonian” must deal with the problem emanating from the Smolensk Gate towards Warsaw, to the decision-making and dispositional centre of the Polish state...
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S&F Hero 4 years temu

Warsaw, its communication, fortifications and cursed latitudinal trail. Part 2

The defence of Warsaw in the summer of 1794 is one of the most beautiful pages of the Polish military...
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S&F Hero 4 years temu

Warsaw, its communication, fortifications and cursed latitudinal trail. Part 1

For much of world history, cities have been fortified to defend themselves against attack. To this day, they are a difficult nut to crack for attacking troops, despite modern combat measures. It was no different with Warsaw...
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S&F Hero 4 years temu

Jagiellonian Policy in the 21st Century

It is now 100 years since the signing of the peace treaty in Riga, which ended Poland’s war in the east with Soviet Russia and established relations in our part of the world for the following 20 years...
S&F Hero, Uncategorized 4 years temu

Turkey’s Military and Technological Sovereignty: The Path to Great Power Status. Part 2

Turkey’s drive for military technological independence has shown tremendous results...
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S&F Hero, Uncategorized 4 years temu

Turkey’s Military and Technological Sovereignty: The Path to Great Power Status. Part 1

Boxing is maybe the best way to explain Turkey’s place in world politics. The weight class of Turkey has changed throughout history, but Turkey was always either a member of the heavyweight division or somewhere between light heavyweight and middleweight...
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S&F Hero 4 years temu

Australia’s role in America’s war with China. Part 2

Perhaps the greatest operational advantage of the USA over the Chinese side is the possibility of waging a modern submarine war in conditions of domination over the enemy, both in terms of combat technology and training of the crews...
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S&F Hero 4 years temu

Australia’s role in America’s war with China. Part 1

In the US plans for a war with China, Australia plays the role of a base for peripheral operations in the Indian Ocean and in the Indonesian straits...
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Background Check, S&F Hero 4 years temu

Pressure for a concert of powers in Asia

The continued growth of China's power raises a fundamental question: what next, especially in the longer term?
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S&F Hero 4 years temu

Nuclear Strategy. Part 4: Delicate balance of terror

There were many iconic images of the first nuclear age; soldiers moving towards a nuclear mushroom soaring into the sky; videos of the explosions themselves, the famous photo of US troops emerging from trenches...
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S&F Hero 4 years temu

Report from the “Twentieth War” S&F. Part 1

This is actually not a report yet, but rather an account of what we have already done and indeed where we are going...
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Background Check, S&F Hero 4 years temu

On deglobalisation – December 2020

The theory of global free trade is fashionable now, just as it was before the First World War...
S&F Hero 4 years temu

The Crush Zone in December 2020

As I wrote earlier, we are worried on the Vistula River about American security guarantees under the new administration in Washington. But this is not everything...
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S&F Hero 4 years temu

Poland and the European Intermarium (Video)

Poland and the European Intermarium, by Jacek Bartosiak, Autumn 2020
Audio & Video, S&F Hero 4 years temu

The Essence of Alliances

And again, on the Vistula River, we are worried whether our security guarantees will not change after the US elections. Politics is indeed a dynamic, not a static condition. The competition never ends...
S&F Hero 4 years temu

Nuclear strategy: part 3: Ike and Ivy Mike. Strategy of massive retaliation

In November (or more precisely - November 14) anno domini 1952, in Great Britain the weekly charts were published for the first time...
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S&F Hero 4 years temu

Nuclear strategy. Truman, NSC-68 and “Super”: Toward Massive Retaliation. Part II

On 29th August, almost exactly four years after the use of the weapon by the United States, the USSR conducted its first nuclear test, the RDS-1...
S&F Hero 4 years temu

From Sagres to Boca Chica. From the V2 rocket to combat stations at the libration points. Part 1

Movement is an exchange. Exchange requires money. Exchange and money are economics. Movement, exchange and money require communication. All this requires innovations in connectivity and there are benefits to be reaped...
S&F Hero, Uncategorized 4 years temu

Nuclear Strategy. Early years and the chaos of the first nuclear age. Part I

Before August 6, 1945, Bernard Brodie's future seemed more or less stable; the war in Europe was over; the war in the Pacific would end sooner or later, probably as a result of the long and bloody campaign on the Japanese islands...
S&F Hero, Uncategorized 4 years temu

Crushing the Niemen bastion. Part 2

Working in a dispersed manner and with exposed flanks means that officers of the combat forces should be educated differently...
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S&F Hero, Uncategorized 4 years temu

Crushing the Niemen bastion. Part I

You could say that almost everything comes down to the Niemen. A river that is ubiquitous in Polish history, culture and literature. Also, of course, in the history of wars in our part of the world. When it comes to a possible war in defence of the Baltic states, it is no different.
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S&F Hero, Uncategorized 4 years temu

When the Chinese go to war. Part Two

And what will China propose now, when tensions escalate in relations between the great powers, when there is open talk of a "new cold war" which does not even rule out the prospect of a hot war?
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S&F Hero, Uncategorized 4 years temu

When the Chinese go to war. Part I

The geopolitical and geostrategic pause initiated after the collapse of the USSR has apparently ended. First, after the crisis of 2008, the world economic and trade order shuddered...
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S&F Hero, Uncategorized 4 years temu

Belarus and Czechoslovakia

This summer was influenced by reports from Belarus, where not only the fate of this country is being decided, but also the security status of the entire Intermarium region, including Poland...
S&F Hero, Uncategorized 4 years temu

Decoupling Poland-Germany. Part 2

What will come of the lack of cooperation in the consolidation of the European Union and a clear pro-American orientation in the face of tensions on the Brussels-Washington line?
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S&F Hero, Uncategorized 4 years temu

Decoupling Poland-Germany. Part 1

Since joining NATO and the EU, Poland has based its foreign policy on its two most important partners - Germany in economic terms and the US in the military field...
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S&F Hero, Uncategorized 4 years temu

The Littorals of the Great Cosmic Ocean. Terra’s Orbits

As I write these words, the number of people who have traveled in space since the beginning of our planet has not exceeded 600. Not too many...
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S&F Hero, Uncategorized 4 years temu

August 2020. Belarus – a turning point for Poland

We have a serious crisis in Belarus. The basic facts we in general know. It is much more difficult to discern the real, structural forces...
S&F Hero, Uncategorized 4 years temu

The Coming Pacific War. Part 7. War Itself

A significant document on the strategic and conceptual games played regarding the conflict between the United States and China is the report produced in September 2015 by the RAND Corporation...
S&F Hero, Uncategorized 4 years temu

The Coming Pacific War. Part 6. China Has a Vote, Too

According to data from the World Bank, China’s economy quadrupled in size between 2000 and 2012. Official military budgets grew even faster – from $20 billion in 2000 to $120 billion in 2013...
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S&F Hero, Uncategorized 4 years temu

The Coming Pacific War. Part 5. Criticism

The AirSea Battle Concept is an operational concept. It does not constitute a strategy and therefore does not cover all of the aspects of a confrontation, including the method by which a final victory will be achieved in a future war with China...
S&F Hero, Uncategorized 4 years temu

The Coming Pacific War. Part 4: Variants of War

War Plans assume two basic scenarios for achieving a military victory over China: the direct approach and the indirect approach...
S&F Hero, Uncategorized 4 years temu

The Coming Pacific War. Part 1. How to kick the door to the Chinese Bar

The US and China may go to war in the Pacific, soon. As of 2020 the chance of that happening is increasingly significant. Both began preparations for that long ago...
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S&F Hero, Uncategorized 5 years temu

The Thucydides trap and a security dilemma. Part 2

It is important to think carefully about how to draw the right conclusions from past mistakes. Given the growing competition between the United States and China...
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S&F Hero, Uncategorized 5 years temu

The Thucydides trap and a security dilemma. Part 1

After the publication of Graham Allison's book about the upcoming US war with China, the concept of the “Thucydides trap” was often used...
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S&F Hero, Uncategorized 5 years temu

Heading for outer space. Part 4. The Polyglobal Competition of Powers

There are different concepts to solve the problem of the lack of an international regime. Although space powers would not necessarily sign up to a regime in the context proposed in the system, seeing how a similar solution works in the Convention on the Law of the Sea, this does not mean that other solutions are not being sought.
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S&F Hero, Uncategorized 5 years temu

Heading for outer space. Part 3: Space resources

Gold rush - this is a term that’s increasingly used in the media in the context of space. Mention is made of a new Wild West and a space race in which not only prestige is at stake...
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S&F Hero, Uncategorized 5 years temu

The independence test of a medium-sized power

In his essay “Without America. Australia in the New Asia” published Autumn 2017, Hugh White describes what would happen if Donald Trump called the Australian Prime Minister suddenly...
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S&F Hero, Uncategorized 5 years temu

Heading for Outer Space. Part 2: Topography

The legendary German military strategist Helmuth von Moltke was known for not seeing the river, the forest, the field and the hills, but the “terrain"...
S&F Hero, Uncategorized 5 years temu

Heading for Outer Space. Case for Astropolitics. Part 1

The Covid-19 pandemic will eventually pass. Earlier it will change the world, having ploughed global value chains and inevitably changed the principles of globalisation of the last 30 years...
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S&F Hero, Uncategorized 5 years temu

The Unknown Father of Russian Contemporary Grand Strategy. Part 2

Wadim Tsymburski's concepts belong, one can suppose, to one of the most important theoretical achievements of this school of thinking within the Russian state elite...
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S&F Hero 5 years temu

The Unknown Father of Russian Contemporary Grand Strategy. Part 1

Vadim Tsymburski is not a widely known thinker in Poland or elsewhere. Actually, apart from two works...
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S&F Hero 5 years temu

Europe – the place from which the world was made. Epidemics, wars and an eternal desire for unfulfilled consolidation. Part 3

Within the continent, France was most advantageously situated, due to the location of the Alps, which "end" on France’s eastern border...
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S&F Hero, Uncategorized 5 years temu

Europe – the place from which the world was made. Epidemics, wars and an eternal desire for unfulfilled consolidation. Part 2

Beyond the Greek times facing the East and the Aegean and Black Seas, Europe's geostrategic history begins with Rome...
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S&F Hero, Uncategorized 5 years temu

Europe – the place from which the world was made. Epidemics, wars and an eternal desire for unfulfilled consolidation. Part 1

The modern world and its order come from Europe. This is where the enlightenment and the industrial revolution were born, hence it was the Europeans who set out to colonise the world...
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S&F Hero, Uncategorized 5 years temu

Mackinder. Part 3

Mackinder predicted that there were three powers that were capable of conquering the World Island – i.e. Eurasia – the place where history is made...
S&F Hero, Uncategorized 5 years temu

Mackinder. Part 2

The Polish thread is very important in Mackinder's work. The British geopolitician had to think a lot about observations from the above-mentioned political mission at Denikin's staff and talks with the most important Polish politicians. Thanks to this, Mackinder came to an independent opinion about Poland's political and military situation and its difficult geopolitical dilemmas...
S&F Hero, Uncategorized 5 years temu

Mackinder. Part 1

Whilst reflecting on Europe, the Intermarium and Poland, the figure and the achievements of Halford Mackinder - a British geographer and geopolitician - must stay with us for a little longer and in more detail...
S&F Hero, Uncategorized 5 years temu

Land-based Deterrence Systems

As Poland’s conventional deterrence doctrine will be taking shape in the coming years, surface-to-surface missile systems will provide (varying) capability to influence the course and outcome of armed confrontation in both strategic and operational dimensions.
S&F Hero, Uncategorized 5 years temu

Town of Raczki – on the way to the famed Suwałki Gap at NATO Eastern Flank

On the eighth day of the war, the 7th Brigade approached the small town of Braniewo at night. The 9th Armoured Cavalry Brigade and the 20th Mechanised Brigade made convergent attacks on Kaliningrad...
S&F Hero, Uncategorized 5 years temu

The Time to Review Poland’s Grand Strategy in the East – is now. Part 2

Along with the statements of French President Macron, as well as many other politicians and strategists in the West - which testify to the faltering unity of the West and posit for the need to build a "new order" in Europe - Poland should revise its policy of "strategic restraint" in the East conducted so far for the justified sake of the cohesion of the West, and somewhat contrary to the logic of our geopolitical location for 30 years.
S&F Hero, Uncategorized 5 years temu

Time To Review Poland’s Grand Strategy in the East Giedroyć – Mieroszewski Doctrine – Is Now. Part 1

Juliusz Mieroszewski and Jerzy Giedroyć, remaining in exile in the West after the last world war, formulated a geopolitical doctrine which contained a simple maxim: "there can be no free Poland without a free Lithuania, Belarus and Ukraine."
S&F Hero, Uncategorized 5 years temu

S&F Hero: America in Eurasia. Part 4

Since President Bush Senior’s presidency in 1991, the Americans have sought to counter the natural trends of multipolarity in Eurasia, fearing the instability and polarisation that were the bane of earlier periods and led to domination wars. Therefore, US military constituted for the post-Cold War world an ultima ratio regum...
S&F Hero, Uncategorized 5 years temu

S&F Hero: America in Eurasia. Part 3

While the post-Cold War golden time has come to an end, it must be remembered that the implementation of Washington's goals was explicitly laid out in what can be seen as a kind of Magna Carta for the grand strategy of the US after the Cold War - the 1992 Defense Planning Guidance...
S&F Hero, Uncategorized 5 years temu

S&F Hero: America in Eurasia. Part 2

In the first years of the post-Cold War period, the Americans sought to spread the principles of the Washington Consensus, which concerned the recommendations of the International Monetary Fund and...
S&F Hero, Uncategorized 5 years temu

S&F Hero: America in Eurasia. Part 1

Power and the credibility that arises from power are the currency in international relations. It’s a brutal truth perfectly illustrated by the history of the entire 20th century and the position gained by the United States over the past century and at the beginning of the present century...
S&F Hero, Uncategorized 5 years temu

Poland’s Eastern Buffer Zone

Regardless of cultural and civilizational differences, Poland’s grand strategy viewed Russia as the landlocked continental power, whose core area was surrounded by five external powers...
S&F Hero, Uncategorized 5 years temu

Russia’s New Model Army. Part 2

Despite - and perhaps precisely - because of the revolutionary nature and the momentum of change, the reform has not been fully completed...
S&F Hero, Uncategorized 5 years temu

Russian New Model Army. Part 1

„Russia has only two allies: the army and the fleet” - Tsar Alexander III.
S&F Hero, Uncategorized 5 years temu

S&F Hero: The Grand Strategy of Poland. Part 3

The formula of American alliances is changing. NATO from the collective model is transforming in Europe into a set of bilateral or group mutual assistance, assurance and...
S&F Hero, Uncategorized 5 years temu

S&F Hero: A Cursed dualism and the Nobel prize for Olga Tokarczuk

An intense bout of discussion started in Poland after Olga Tokarczuk was awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature. This essentially boils down to the issue of dealing with understanding who we are and where we live...
S&F Hero, Uncategorized 5 years temu

S&F Hero: The Grand Strategy of Poland. Part 2

To survive (preferably in peacetime conditions), and then when the dust settles - to take the best possible place in the global division of labour...
S&F Hero, Uncategorized 5 years temu

S&F Hero: Poland’s Grand Strategy: Response to Pence’s Fourteen Points. Part 1

Have respect unto the covenant; for the dark places of the earth are full of the dwellings of violence...
S&F Hero, Uncategorized 5 years temu

S&F Hero: Europe: an Empire on its Knees

"If we cease to rule others we are in danger of being ruled ourselves."
S&F Hero, Uncategorized 5 years temu

S&F Hero: Strategic risk for Warsaw

The Francis Fukuyama’s optimistic vision of the end of history as defined in early nineties of the XX-th century was to bring to the nations the long-desired...
S&F Hero, Uncategorized 5 years temu

S&F Hero: The Eastern Part of the Polish War Theatre

The Polish War Theatre covers the area from the Oder basin in the west to the Dnieper and Daugava (Dźwina) basins in the east. This area consists of several of the distinct geographies, that is...
S&F Hero, Uncategorized 5 years temu

S&F Hero: Who We Are and Where Our Place Is

The Baltic Sea "turns" near the mouths of the Vistula and the Niemen to the north at the very length in which the Black Sea as the most distant outlet of the Mediterranean Sea...
S&F Hero, Uncategorized 5 years temu

Russian Strategy towards the Turkish Straits. Part 2

The Montreux Convention deeply undermined the Soviets’ ambitions in the second half of the XX century, when the priorities had changed and the Soviet assets had to cope with...
S&F Hero, Uncategorized 5 years temu

Russian Strategy towards the Turkish Straits. Part 1

If we assume that Russia had any geopolitical obsession, consequently we would not be able to find many of them that have survived throughout the centuries of Russia’s imperial rise.
S&F Hero, Uncategorized 5 years temu

S&F Hero: 5G, geopolitics and Crowe Memorandum. Part 1: Technology

Ceterum censeo Huawei esse delendam – whether he knew it or not, this was the message that Steve Bannon...
S&F Hero, Uncategorized 5 years temu

S&F Hero: Strategic flows

There is only one god – Poseidon – god of the sea; there is only one legitimate church confessing this god...
S&F Hero 5 years temu
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