
Years ago, as a young boy playing with bottle caps in the yard, I really liked this uniquely original bottle among others, with a green flag and a hand holding a torch. Zaire. Of course, completely unconsciously, without any geographical associations, not to mention political ones.

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Autor Bogusław Leśnodorski
Legal Advisor / Managing Partner
He specializes in leading corporate, investment and privatization projects. Managing and founding partner of the LSW law firm, with which he has been tied from the beginning of his professional career. He manages the merger and acquisition team and the team in charge of the Stock Market. He has worked for, among others, individuals representing the heavy industry and the mining industry, the building and real estate sectors, the sport and the world of media and telecommunication.
Leśnodorski is a member of the Polish Business Council.
Graduate of the Warsaw University's Law Department. After founding LSW, he finished his legal adviser training (2004) and MBA studies at IESE Business School - Advanced Management (2008).
Known in legal circles for his love of demanding sports disciplines, such as extreme skiing, motocross, jet skiing, mountain biking. Passionate about football, he has been President of the Legia Warszawa football club since December 2012.
Data 03/10/2019
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