Storm Brewing in the Former Grand Duchy of Lithuania, i.e. Seminal Developments in Belarus

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Autor Radek Pyffel
(born September 7, 1976) also known as Radek Pyffel or Rui De Xing (Chinese: 瑞德兴)
PKP Cargo Board Representative for Eurasia, Head of China Business Program at Kozminski University.
In 2016-2018, Radek Pyffel served as an Alternate Director and a member of the Board of Asian Infrastructure and Investment Bank, representing Poland and Wider Europe Constituency.
Radek has graduated the sociology department at the University of Warsaw. He has also studied at the Sun Yat Sen University in Guangzhou, Taiwan Normal University and Peking University.
Radek authored books, educational programs and numerous articles, published in Polish and international newspapers.
An avid sport fan, he made over 100 appearances as a striker for the Polish National Team of Journalists.
Radek speaks Polish, English, Chinese and Russian.
Data 15/01/2020
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