Wpisy z tagu: Book review Found 38 results

Kirill Romanovsky’s “Eight Years with Wagner” (2023). Part 3/3

The invasion of Ukraine became a serious trigger for the development of military writings inside Russia. Since the beginning of the war, many books have been published that describe the Russian military and geopolitical mindset and conduct...
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Book Review 1 year temu

Kirill Romanovsky’s “Eight Years with Wagner” (2023). Part 1

The invasion of Ukraine became a serious trigger for the development of military writings inside Russia. Since the beginning of the war, many books have been published that describe the Russian military and geopolitical mindset and conduct. These books were often published for propagandist purposes, but the old Western school of Sovietology teaches us that to win over the enemy, we must grasp his way of thinking and find his weaknesses...
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Book Review, Recenzje 1 year temu

Sergei Korolev’s “Rocket Flight in the Stratosphere” (1934) and other writings

Sergei Korolev (1906-1966) is a legendary figure of the 21st century and is considered one of the "fathers" of space exploration. He was a Soviet scientist and designer of rocket and space systems...
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Book Review 2 years temu

Vladimir Kornilov “The Donetsk-Krivoyrog Republic: A Killed Dream” (Book Review)

Ukrainian political and historical thinking was dominated before 2014 by two main intellectual groups...
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Book Review 3 years temu

“Considerations on the Government of Poland” by Jean-Jacques Rousseau, 1772 (Book Review)

The Swiss philosopher Jean-Jacques Rousseau (1712-1778) is one of the most influential thinkers in human history. Here at Strategy&Future we have already had the opportunity to analyse his great idea of the Social Contract. This time I would like to examine another of Rousseau’s works: “Considerations on the Government of Poland”...
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Book Review, Uncategorized 3 years temu

Considerations on the Causes of the Greatness of the Romans and Their Decline by Montesquieu (Book Review)

One of Montesquieu’s main contributions is the historiosophy of the Roman Empire. This book is one of the first attempts at interpreting the course of history and historical events of the Roman Empire...
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Book Review 3 years temu

Geography and Foreign Policy by Nicholas John Spykman

It is already a deep tradition amongst the apologists of the theory of International Relations to compare Geopolitics with ideology or dogmatism...
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Book Review 3 years temu

Andrei Sakharov’s “Thoughts on progress, peaceful coexistence and intellectual freedom” (Book Review)

Many know of Andrei Sakharov (1921-1989) as a Soviet dissident, a Nobel laureate, an activist for disarmament, peace, and human rights. Of course he was also a nuclear physicist and the designer of the first two-stage hydrogen bomb...
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Book Review 4 years temu

The Drone Eats With Me by Atef Abu Saif (Book Review)

It seems Israel will never leave Gaza. It is always here, even if its soldiers are not visible, patrolling the streets as they did not so long ago. The occupation is now truly twenty-first century—the best drone technology in the world...
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Background Check 4 years temu

Jack London’s “The Iron Heel” (Book review)

The Iron Heel is a dystopian novel by American writer Jack London. Published in 1908, it sets out to warn that a dangerous new society is rising on the horizon...
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Background Check 4 years temu

“Free Odessa – Odessa Republic – Southwest Territory (1917-1919)” by Victor Savchenko (Book review)

Geopolitics has different expressions, usually global or regional, but sometimes it can be interesting to understand the phenomenon of geopolitics through the local angle. Victor Savchenko’s book which I present today is truly one of those books that give us a picture of how geopolitics works at the local level...
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Background Check 4 years temu

Eugen Richter „Pictures of the Socialistic Future” (Book review)

The history of the future (futurology), the philosophy of history, geopolitics and astropolitics are the most interesting fields of human knowledge...
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Background Check 4 years temu

Yevgeny Zamyatin “We” (Book review)

The first anti-utopia was written in 1920 in the Soviet Russia by Evgeni Zamyatin. In Russia, the novel was published only in 1988, and the reaction in Soviet Russia in the 20s was outrage, forcing Zamyatin to leave the country...
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Background Check 4 years temu

Konstantin Tsiolkovsky “Adventures of the Atom”. Book review

Konstantin Eduardovich was not only a genius astrophysicist and rocket scientist, but also created a cosmic philosophy which he presented in his many different articles, essays and novels...
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Background Check 4 years temu

Michail Leontiev. “The Great Game (Great Britain against Russia and the USSR)”. Book review

This book was written in 2008 by one of the staunch supporters of Vladimir Putin’s regime. Mikhail Leontiev was born in Moscow in 1958 and for many years was involved in Russian politics, more specifically in Russian media space...
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Background Check 4 years temu

“Our Middle East. Notes of the Soviet Ambassador to Egypt and Iran” by Vladimir Mikhailovich Vinogradov

The book which I would like to present has historical importance for those who are interested in the revolutionary events in Iran between the three historical periods of this ancient country...

Makhmut Gareev “My last war (Afghanistan without Soviet troops)”

This book sheds light on the Soviet Union’s strategic convulsions in Afghanistan when the country almost collapsed but still by inertia was trying to behave as a Superpower with geopolitical commitments.

Russell Grenfell’s Sea Power (1940)

In the far southwestern corner of England, overlooking the blue Atlantic and the green rolling hills of Penwith, there is a village of tiny grey stone cottages...

Understanding Jean-Jacques Rousseau’s “The Social Contract” and other essays in XXI century

Rousseau’s philosophy is mainly interpreted in two ways: firstly (and most commonly) through the concept of Romanticism, merging his ideas with his extraordinary personality...

Hannah Arendt “On Revolution”. Book review

Hannah Arendt is quite a popular theoretician in universities of the West, well known for her development of the theory of Totalitarianism. Her intellectual interests were based upon the main problems of the XX century...

Brothers Karamazov as a geopolitical novel

The River Polist has its source at Lake Polisto in the western part of the Valdai Hills (about 400 km east of Riga). It becomes navigable at Staraya Russa...

Arthur Herman. “1917. Lenin, Wilson and the Birth of the New World Disorder”. Book review

Arthur L. Herman (1956) is an American historian and senior fellow at the Hundson Institute.  This book is his latest piece published in 2017.

Davor Marijan “STORM” (2010)

In terms of military strategy and theory of warfare on the European continent, the post-Cold War period has had one specific feature. Namely, it has typically been a fight between unequal forces...

Igor Zagrebelny „Międzymorze. Szansa prawie utracona”. Book review

This is the first major attempt in Ukraine since the events of 2014 to address the phenomenon of the Intermarium. It undertakes a deep intellectual reflection about the place of Ukraine in this developing geopolitical project.
Background Check 5 years temu

Journey to a forgotten place: Czesław Miłosz’s “The Issa Valley”

Lithuania. A unique place in Polish cultural awareness...

„On the Zbrucz” by Wiesław Helak

Winner of the Józef Mackiewicz Literary Award 2018

How Japan planned to win the Pacific War

- seen through the eyes of an intelligence officer of the Japanese fleet

Country of Origin? ‘Eastern Europe’: the life and times of Józef Mackiewicz

Józef Mackiewicz is not a well-known figure amongst the Polish people.
Background Check 5 years temu
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