Strategia wojskowa to sposób przygotowania wojska, jego rozmieszczenia, szkolenia i ćwiczenia. Polega ona przede wszystkim na długoterminowym rozwijaniu szeroko pojętych zdolności, do których współcześnie bardziej pasuje określenie „system odporności państwa”...
The decision taken by the government of Tadeusz Mazowiecki in December 1990 to put the "Żarnowiec" Nuclear Power Plant then under construction into liquidation was preceded by a series of earlier political decisions...
Nancy Pelosi's visit to Taiwan begins a new era of confrontation between the US and China, and with it, marks the beginning of an already open conflict over Eurasia...
Now, with the war in Ukraine raging, and an open challenge to the international order being laid down by Russia in a way not witnessed in Europe since the end of the second world war we believe it is critically important...
Just as one hundred years ago, the war did not bring about the establishment of a federation, despite the Kyiv expedition, Ukrainian attempts supported by Poland, great victories of the Polish soldiers near Warsaw and on the Niemen River...
Interdependence is not a sufficient guarantee of peace, but breaking interdependence makes peace even more fragile and insecure. This is how one could define the essence of the strategic dilemma into which the democratic West has faced Russia since the outbreak of the war in Eastern Europe...
The main take-away points from the events in Belarus from the summer of 2020 (the unrest of the pro-Western factions of Belarusian civil society) until the current refugee crisis on the Belarusian border with the EU are the following...
The Russian Armed Forces implemented many reforms after the 2008 Georgian War, consolidating military districts, streamlining command-and-control structure, and switching from a division- to a brigade-centric order of battle...
It seems that 2022 may not be easy, bringing many challenges to the world and Poland. We at S&F will list a few of them, focusing on the absolute most important issues...
Michael J. Mazarr, analysing conflicts in the “grey zone” in 2015, as part of a project initiated by the Strategic Studies Institute focusing on the changing nature of contemporary conflicts, attempted to formulate seven hypotheses about the future...
For centuries, the World Ocean has successfully held back continental powers and dictated the rules on which the world trading system should operate...
Here are nine points where, in my opinion, the geopolitical reality is different than at the time of the mental mapping of our elites in the last 200 years...
In the 21st century, the balance of power in Eurasia is structurally different than it was in the last two hundred years, when the mental maps of our elites were taking shape...
The biblical story of David leads to several conclusions about the development of weapons and the nature of warfare. New breakthrough technology often feels less advanced than the old...
Europe is part of "Western civilisation", to which, apart from Europe itself, it is customary to include all its (regrettably, usually evolved as a result of rape) "children": primarily North America, with the United States as a global power, and Latin America, with Brazil growing in importance in the global puzzle, as well as the area of Australia and Oceania...
“Poland from sea to sea” (Polska od morza do morza). This slogan is most often associated with the 16th century and the period of the greatest power of the Polish Republic...
After the recent talks between Blinken and Lavrov, and the US and Germany getting along over Nordstream, we smelled Rapallo. Obviously different than 100 years ago, but the mechanism is similar...
10 years after the Beijing Olympics had showcased the awakening of Napoleon’s “sleeping giant”, 2018 was the year that America signalled - finally (?) - that it would now be taking a much tougher approach...
Any effective strategy (for a country in Poland’s position) requires an understanding of one’s own limitations, both related to the foundations of one’s own power and to the existing obligations of a superpower...
We are continuing our new series at Strategy&Future, writing simulated speeches for Poland’s politicians on the most important and important issues of foreign policy and grand strategy. We associate it with real events and the opportunities to deliver such speeches...
At the beginning of the 20th century, almost 260,000 Russian troops were stationed in the Polish theatre of war, including 216,000 in Congress Poland itself, of which 170,000 on the right bank of the Vistula...
Both orientations of Polish foreign policy - “Piast” and “Jagiellonian” must deal with the problem emanating from the Smolensk Gate towards Warsaw, to the decision-making and dispositional centre of the Polish state...
For much of world history, cities have been fortified to defend themselves against attack. To this day, they are a difficult nut to crack for attacking troops, despite modern combat measures. It was no different with Warsaw...
It is now 100 years since the signing of the peace treaty in Riga, which ended Poland’s war in the east with Soviet Russia and established relations in our part of the world for the following 20 years...
I have had the intention of writing these few sentences for some time, watching the debate around the rapidly changing international scene and the accompanying public debate in Poland and abroad. But let me start with a series of questions?
We have to be careful about the terms we use to describe events. As Tim Marshall argued in the Spectator in October 2012, “calling these events the ‘Arab Spring’ automatically frames them as positive”...
As I wrote earlier, we are worried on the Vistula River about American security guarantees under the new administration in Washington. But this is not everything...
Opened in December 2005, the Donghai Bridge — connecting mainland Shanghai with a new deepwater container port on the islands of Yangshan in Hangzhou Bay 32.5km away — was not the world’s longest cross-water bridge...
And again, on the Vistula River, we are worried whether our security guarantees will not change after the US elections. Politics is indeed a dynamic, not a static condition. The competition never ends...
Between 1989 and 1991, the strategic map of Eurasia altered dramatically as broad swathes of territory reopened to international markets after a long period of enclosure behind communist walls...