Wpisy z tagu: S&F Hero Found 39 results

If the Russians had taken Kyiv… Day by day

I present an alternative course of history. What if the Russians had achieved their goals and seized Kyiv in February 2022 in a brilliant four-day campaign and, as a result, established a sympathetic government fully implementing Moscow's will? The story begins on 28th February 2022...
S&F Hero 12 months temu

On killing – or, why do we need a military strategy at all? 

Strategia wojskowa to sposób przygotowania wojska, jego rozmieszczenia, szkolenia i ćwiczenia. Polega ona przede wszystkim na długoterminowym rozwijaniu szeroko pojętych zdolności, do których współcześnie bardziej pasuje określenie „system odporności państwa”...
S&F Hero 1 year temu

War in the Pacific, Autumn 2024, and the Prigozhin rebellion

Structural issues, i.e. a set of conflicting interests between the United States and China, prevent them from getting out of the spiral of growing rivalry in the summer of 2023...
S&F Hero 1 year temu

The road to war: economic sanctions Parallels: Italy 1935 – Russia/China 2023

Italy’s invasion of Ethiopia before World War II was the first serious opportunity to test the effectiveness of economic sanctions, the economic weapon of the then “international community” — the League of Nations. Specifically, how these sanctions worked in practice against a large state with an industrial base and a real army.
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S&F Hero, S&F Hero 1 year temu

Jake Sullivan at Brookings. The glass is still half empty

On Thursday 27th April, US National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan delivered a speech at the Washington-based Brookings Institution think tank...
S&F Hero 1 year temu

The latest arrangement of the AUKUS Alliance – a risky situation for Australia, unless…

Australia has entered into an alliance with the US and UK called AUKUS, which we at S&F refer to as the alliance of the nations of the World Ocean, aimed at preventing the consolidation of the Eurasian landmass under the sceptre of China...
S&F Hero 1 year temu

The Scandinavian connection

The war in Ukraine continues. Its course emphasises the very significant influence of the USA on the political system of Europe...
S&F Hero 1 year temu

Polish nuclear energy. Part 2: The Third Republic

The decision taken by the government of Tadeusz Mazowiecki in December 1990 to put the "Żarnowiec" Nuclear Power Plant then under construction into liquidation was preceded by a series of earlier political decisions...
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S&F Hero 2 years temu

Polish nuclear energy. PRL times. Part 1

Poland is the only country of the former Eastern bloc where no nuclear power plant was built...
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S&F Hero 2 years temu

Lessons from the war in Ukraine. Part 4

This part of the series is a record of conclusions and observations resulting directly from conversations with the participants of this war — soldiers and officers...
S&F Hero 2 years temu

Military alliance with Ukraine

Oleksij Arestowicz in his recent conversations, including one with me (which you can watch on social media), has started talking about the need to build a military alliance between Ukraine and Poland...
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S&F Hero 2 years temu

Lessons for Poland from the War in Ukraine. Part 3

Today - part three about lessons from the war, for Poland and for our military...
S&F Hero 2 years temu

Lessons for Poland from the War in Ukraine. Part 1

In February this year, war broke out in the east. Russia attacked Ukraine. A certain stage in the history of our region and in the history of the world has come to an end. For years, here at Strategy&Future, we have been talking and writing about the need to prepare for the new times, to prepare for the reform of the Polish military. These new times have come...
S&F Hero 2 years temu

Apocalypse (not) now, or Russian nuclear threats in Ukraine. Part 1

Almost exactly sixty years ago, in October 1962, the Cuban crisis took place...
S&F Hero 2 years temu

Winter is coming. Part 2

Sometimes offensive actions and the manoeuvre of heavy units are necessary, but they must be well thought out and planned, because this is completely different from defensive actions...
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S&F Hero 2 years temu

Winter is coming. Part 1

On the fields of Ukraine, the twentieth-century method of conducting land war (centred on attack, tank columns, a fairly shallow front, and always incomplete reconnaissance, where the fog of war still reigns) is dying out...
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S&F Hero 2 years temu

One step away. One step ahead?

How would the situation in Europe and in the world have developed if Kyiv had been captured by the Russians in the first days of the war?
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S&F Hero 2 years temu

The scalable world war ahead

Nancy Pelosi's visit to Taiwan begins a new era of confrontation between the US and China, and with it, marks the beginning of an already open conflict over Eurasia...
S&F Hero 2 years temu

Poland in Ukraine – a Strategy&Future project

We have long proposed at Strategy&Future to increase Poland’s activity "in the eastern direction", in particular in Ukraine...
S&F Hero 2 years temu

On the importance of the eastern direction in Poland’s policy for the next 20 years

Jak informują dziennikarze ukraińskiej edycji magazynu „Forbes”, firma DTEK Energo, której właścicielem jest największy ukraiński oligarcha Rinat Achmetow, jest obecnie, w związku z wojną, warta ok. 580 mln dolarów...
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S&F Hero 2 years temu

“The Anxious Dream”- à rebours? A political plan for Poland’s victory and peace in the East. Part 2

Just as one hundred years ago, the war did not bring about the establishment of a federation, despite the Kyiv expedition, Ukrainian attempts supported by Poland, great victories of the Polish soldiers near Warsaw and on the Niemen River...
S&F Hero 2 years temu

A few remarks on the political strategy of the Polish state in the new European circumstances (theses for discussion)

Interdependence is not a sufficient guarantee of peace, but breaking interdependence makes peace even more fragile and insecure. This is how one could define the essence of the strategic dilemma into which the democratic West has faced Russia since the outbreak of the war in Eastern Europe...
S&F Hero 2 years temu

Consequences of the war in Ukraine – the EU perspective

At the beginning of the 21st century, two main geopolitical visions were formed in the European Union...
S&F Hero 2 years temu

Nuclear signalling in the Russian-Ukrainian war

W niedzielę 27 lutego (na dzień przed spotkaniem rosyjskich i ukraińskich zespołów negocjacyjnych) prezydent Władimir Putin poinformował o postawieniu w stan podwyższonej gotowości sił nuklearnych Federacji Rosyjskiej...
S&F Hero 2 years temu

Ukrainian nuclear weapons, the great energy crisis and “the best place in the world”

In the 1990s, when Ukraine was forced to give up the nuclear weapons it had inherited from the Soviet Union, John Mearsheimer published a text that is forgotten today, arguing that Ukraine should remain a nuclear state against the will of the United States...
S&F Hero 2 years temu

What awaits us in 2022?

It seems that 2022 may not be easy, bringing many challenges to the world and Poland. We at S&F will list a few of them, focusing on the absolute most important issues...
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S&F Hero 3 years temu

India in the In-Between Era

India and their strategic thinking are generally unknown to us. Their classic Kautilya is not as popular as Sun Tzu or Clausewitz. Furthermore, modern Indian geostrategists or geopoliticians also remain beyond our interest...
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S&F Hero 3 years temu

Ukraine – intoxication, status diversification, Munich, the Cuban crisis and a few questions for Poland

The current crisis related to Russian political and military maneuvering, and the West’s reaction to it, forces us to reflect on several issues concerning Poland’s vital interests...
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S&F Hero 3 years temu

Polish Space Force. Part 2

We repeat: the key factor is the level of autonomy, i.e. that (and whether) we build these systems ourselves, put them into orbits...
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S&F Hero 3 years temu

Polish Space Force. Part 1

A revolution in the space domain of human activity is beginning before our eyes, caused by a technological breakthrough...
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S&F Hero 3 years temu

Operations “in the grey zone”, prospects for an armed conflict and Poland’s policy

Michael J. Mazarr, analysing conflicts in the “grey zone” in 2015, as part of a project initiated by the Strategic Studies Institute focusing on the changing nature of contemporary conflicts, attempted to formulate seven hypotheses about the future...
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S&F Hero 3 years temu

World Ocean versus the Continent. Part 1

For centuries, the World Ocean has successfully held back continental powers and dictated the rules on which the world trading system should operate...
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S&F Hero 3 years temu

The game for agency after Nord Stream

The case of NS2, New START, the Three Seas Initiative and Biden’s arrangements with Putin close the period of 30 years of geopolitical pause for Poland...
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S&F Hero 3 years temu

Warsaw, its communication, fortifications and cursed latitudinal trail. Part 4

At the beginning of the 20th century, almost 260,000 Russian troops were stationed in the Polish theatre of war, including 216,000 in Congress Poland itself, of which 170,000 on the right bank of the Vistula...
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S&F Hero 3 years temu

Jagiellonian Policy in the 21st Century

It is now 100 years since the signing of the peace treaty in Riga, which ended Poland’s war in the east with Soviet Russia and established relations in our part of the world for the following 20 years...
S&F Hero, Uncategorized 3 years temu

Nuclear strategy. Truman, NSC-68 and “Super”: Toward Massive Retaliation. Part II

On 29th August, almost exactly four years after the use of the weapon by the United States, the USSR conducted its first nuclear test, the RDS-1...
S&F Hero 4 years temu

Nuclear Strategy. Early years and the chaos of the first nuclear age. Part I

Before August 6, 1945, Bernard Brodie's future seemed more or less stable; the war in Europe was over; the war in the Pacific would end sooner or later, probably as a result of the long and bloody campaign on the Japanese islands...
S&F Hero, Uncategorized 4 years temu

The Coming Pacific War. Part 5. Criticism

The AirSea Battle Concept is an operational concept. It does not constitute a strategy and therefore does not cover all of the aspects of a confrontation, including the method by which a final victory will be achieved in a future war with China...
S&F Hero, Uncategorized 4 years temu

S&F Hero: Strategic flows

There is only one god – Poseidon – god of the sea; there is only one legitimate church confessing this god...
S&F Hero 5 years temu
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