I present an alternative course of history. What if the Russians had achieved their goals and seized Kyiv in February 2022 in a brilliant four-day campaign and, as a result, established a sympathetic government fully implementing Moscow's will? The story begins on 28th February 2022...
Strategia wojskowa to sposób przygotowania wojska, jego rozmieszczenia, szkolenia i ćwiczenia. Polega ona przede wszystkim na długoterminowym rozwijaniu szeroko pojętych zdolności, do których współcześnie bardziej pasuje określenie „system odporności państwa”...
"Where goest..." presents a list of requirements and considerations that should guide NATO's new Strategy aimed at deterring future Russian aggression...
Since the publication of my guide calculating how many battalion tactical groups (BTGs) the Russian Armed Forces could generate against Poland, a couple critiques have been levelled at whether this is the best way to understand how Russia would fight Poland and/or NATO at large...
Forming new alliances like AUKUS or the QUAD does not mean creating new blocs. “Inter-epoch” alliances, for the time in which we find ourselves, will be less formalised and more loosely structured...