Wpisy z tagu: NATO Found 16 results

If the Russians had taken Kyiv… Day by day

I present an alternative course of history. What if the Russians had achieved their goals and seized Kyiv in February 2022 in a brilliant four-day campaign and, as a result, established a sympathetic government fully implementing Moscow's will? The story begins on 28th February 2022...
S&F Hero 1 year temu

On killing – or, why do we need a military strategy at all? 

Strategia wojskowa to sposób przygotowania wojska, jego rozmieszczenia, szkolenia i ćwiczenia. Polega ona przede wszystkim na długoterminowym rozwijaniu szeroko pojętych zdolności, do których współcześnie bardziej pasuje określenie „system odporności państwa”...
S&F Hero 2 years temu

Where Goest Ukraine & NATO Strategy? (RAPORT)

"Where goest..." presents a list of requirements and considerations that should guide NATO's new Strategy aimed at deterring future Russian aggression...
Uncategorized 2 years temu

Apocalypse (not) now, or Russian nuclear threats in Ukraine. Part 2

What if the Russians wanted to end the conflict by using threats or actually using nuclear weapons...
S&F Hero 2 years temu

Russian Mobilization in the Twenty-First Century

Since the publication of my guide calculating how many battalion tactical groups (BTGs) the Russian Armed Forces could generate against Poland, a couple critiques have been levelled at whether this is the best way to understand how Russia would fight Poland and/or NATO at large...
ANW, Background Check 3 years temu

Reflections on Art. 5 of the NATO Treaty. Poland between Russia and Germany in autumn 2021

Earlier this month, I participated in a debate at a fairly large event, which is the annual Warsaw Security Forum...
Artykuł tylko dla subskrybentów. Aby przeczytać, zakup plan Subskrypcja miesięczna or Subskrypcja roczna odnawialna
S&F Hero 3 years temu

Alliances and blocs in the era of great-power competition

Forming new alliances like AUKUS or the QUAD does not mean creating new blocs. “Inter-epoch” alliances, for the time in which we find ourselves, will be less formalised and more loosely structured...
Artykuł tylko dla subskrybentów. Aby przeczytać, zakup plan Subskrypcja miesięczna or Subskrypcja roczna odnawialna
S&F Hero 3 years temu

The Conceptual Trap of War as a Ballet

Enshrined in doctrine, operational phasing dominates U.S. and NATO thinking on operational art...
Artykuł tylko dla subskrybentów. Aby przeczytać, zakup plan Subskrypcja miesięczna or Subskrypcja roczna odnawialna
Background Check 3 years temu

Reforms and innovations in the Polish Armed Forces. Towards a New Model Forces. Part 1

In 2021, any thinking about reform or innovation in the Polish Armed Forces, or more broadly - in the immunity system of the entire Polish state...
S&F Hero 3 years temu
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