Wpisy z tagu: Pacyfik Found 5 results

The latest arrangement of the AUKUS Alliance – a risky situation for Australia, unless…

Australia has entered into an alliance with the US and UK called AUKUS, which we at S&F refer to as the alliance of the nations of the World Ocean, aimed at preventing the consolidation of the Eurasian landmass under the sceptre of China...
S&F Hero 2 years temu

Alliances and blocs in the era of great-power competition

Forming new alliances like AUKUS or the QUAD does not mean creating new blocs. “Inter-epoch” alliances, for the time in which we find ourselves, will be less formalised and more loosely structured...
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S&F Hero 3 years temu

Mental maps for the Polish elite in 2021

Here are nine points where, in my opinion, the geopolitical reality is different than at the time of the mental mapping of our elites in the last 200 years...
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S&F Hero 4 years temu

Adapt or Die. Obsolescence, Offset Strategies and the Pacific

“We’re a maritime nation – we’ve grown by the sea and live by it; if we lose command of it we starve” – this is what the English used to say. The Americans still say it today. So it is no coincidence that the US Navy is the pride of the American armed forces - nor is it a coincidence that aircraft carriers are the pride of the US Navy, a symbol of its power and the United States.
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Background Check 4 years temu

The Essence of Alliances

And again, on the Vistula River, we are worried whether our security guarantees will not change after the US elections. Politics is indeed a dynamic, not a static condition. The competition never ends...
S&F Hero 4 years temu
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