Wpisy z tagu: World Found 106 results

The Eternal Return and Eastern Europe. The Geopolitical Tragedy that Never Ends. Part 4 of 4

Eastern Europe is a specific region in the European continent because it has been a testing ground of grand geopolitics throughout the last three hundred years. The concepts of partition, spheres of influence, buffer zones, division lines, cordon sanitaire, and limitrophe were not only developed in theory...
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Background Check 1 year temu

The Eternal Return and Eastern Europe. The Geopolitical Tragedy that Never Ends. Part 3 of 4

The Times of the Troubles has one additional feature: the erection of an enormous and sophisticated system of fortifications and military bases along the entire geopolitical zone of contact, that stretched hundreds of kilometres. The concentration of defence lines and fortifications was maybe the greatest in Europe...
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Background Check 1 year temu

A call from the White House

December 2024. Chancellery of the Prime Minister, Warsaw, Aleje Ujazdowskie. A few days before Christmas. One o’clock in the morning. The outgoing President of the United States is trying to call the Prime Minister of the Republic of Poland to let him know that war has broken out in the Western Pacific...
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Background Check 1 year temu

Kirill Romanovsky’s “Eight Years with Wagner” (2023). Part 3/3

The invasion of Ukraine became a serious trigger for the development of military writings inside Russia. Since the beginning of the war, many books have been published that describe the Russian military and geopolitical mindset and conduct...
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Book Review 1 year temu

Kirill Romanovsky’s “Eight Years with Wagner” (2023). Part 1

The invasion of Ukraine became a serious trigger for the development of military writings inside Russia. Since the beginning of the war, many books have been published that describe the Russian military and geopolitical mindset and conduct. These books were often published for propagandist purposes, but the old Western school of Sovietology teaches us that to win over the enemy, we must grasp his way of thinking and find his weaknesses...
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Book Review, Recenzje 1 year temu

The Cossack Mosquito Fleet in the Dnieper and Black Sea. Part 2

The Cossack naval asymmetric strategy and tactic was a unique historical phenomenon that provided not only bright stories for contemporary Ukrainians but was one of the geopolitical factors that reshuffled the balance of power in the Black Sea region and allowed the creation of the first Ukrainian state, the Cossack Hetmanate...
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Background Check 2 years temu

Where Goest Ukraine & NATO Strategy? (RAPORT)

"Where goest..." presents a list of requirements and considerations that should guide NATO's new Strategy aimed at deterring future Russian aggression...
Uncategorized 2 years temu

The Cossack Mosquito Fleet in the Dnieper and Black Sea. Part 1

The naval and maritime factor in the Russo-Ukrainian War has a multidimensional expression and it will play a more important role due to the geopolitical and existential importance to Ukraine and Russia of the Black Sea, the Sea of Azov, the Dnieper River and some other big rivers...
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Background Check 2 years temu

War in the Pacific, Autumn 2024, and the Prigozhin rebellion

Structural issues, i.e. a set of conflicting interests between the United States and China, prevent them from getting out of the spiral of growing rivalry in the summer of 2023...
S&F Hero 2 years temu

The Heartland of Eurasia (Central Asia) in the Multipolar World: The Chinese Case. Part 2

It may sound like a paradox but the primary beneficiaries of the multipolar world are the countries of the Global South...
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Background Check 2 years temu

The Heartland of Eurasia (Central Asia) in the Multipolar World: The Chinese Case. Part 1

The great geopolitical game for the Heartland of Eurasia (Central Asia) has begun, but this time things are more complicated than in the times of the Han or Tang dynasties or the times of the Great Game in the 19th century...
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Background Check 2 years temu

The road to war: economic sanctions Parallels: Italy 1935 – Russia/China 2023

Italy’s invasion of Ethiopia before World War II was the first serious opportunity to test the effectiveness of economic sanctions, the economic weapon of the then “international community” — the League of Nations. Specifically, how these sanctions worked in practice against a large state with an industrial base and a real army.
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S&F Hero, S&F Hero 2 years temu

Is China a Global Broker or an Anti-System Power? Part 3 of 3

The decision of Beijing to publicly propose a peace resolution plan for the war in Ukraine was determined by many factors, however, the key component was that China decided to act as a global-scale arbiter...
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Background Check 2 years temu

Is China a Global Broker or an Anti-System Power? Part 2 of 3

Together with its One Belt One Road initiative, in 2012, China presented the Community of Common Destiny for Humankind. Initially, the very phrase was used to express China-Taiwan relations...
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Background Check 2 years temu

Is China a Global Broker or an Anti-System Power? Part 1 of 3

This three-part series examines the Chinese global factor in international conflict resolution and will try to answer the question - Is China a Global Broker or an Anti-System Power?
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Background Check 2 years temu

Tiers for Rears: A General Classification of Military Logistics in the Russo-Ukrainian War. Part 2

On March 5, 2022, the Government of the Russian Federation approved the decree “List of foreign states and territories that are committing unfriendly actions towards the Russian Federation”. There were proposed three categories of the states: ‘friendly’, ‘unfriendly’ and ‘neutral states’...
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Background Check 2 years temu

The latest arrangement of the AUKUS Alliance – a risky situation for Australia, unless…

Australia has entered into an alliance with the US and UK called AUKUS, which we at S&F refer to as the alliance of the nations of the World Ocean, aimed at preventing the consolidation of the Eurasian landmass under the sceptre of China...
S&F Hero 2 years temu

The Scandinavian connection

The war in Ukraine continues. Its course emphasises the very significant influence of the USA on the political system of Europe...
S&F Hero 2 years temu

UKRAINE: An Economy on the brink

Despite receiving enormous military, economic, social and financial assistance from the West, the Ukrainian economy and social situation are going to deteriorate...
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Background Check 2 years temu

The Battle of Kherson: Schwerpunkt of the war?

Ukraine and Russia are facing a completely new stage in the escalation of hostilities. The war is gradually changing its shape, form and perspective. It has become more aggressive and unpredictable...
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Background Check 2 years temu

Apocalypse (not) now, or Russian nuclear threats in Ukraine. Part 1

Almost exactly sixty years ago, in October 1962, the Cuban crisis took place...
S&F Hero 2 years temu

Mobilization As a Geopolitical Act of Russia

After the Debacle in Kharkiv, the Russian Army forced the Russian leadership to search for the proper answer to the new military challenges...
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Background Check 2 years temu

Russia’s Protracted War in Ukraine – Part 4 of 4

The Russian political and military leadership is facing a dilemma in Ukraine...
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Background Check 2 years temu

Russia’s Protracted War in Ukraine – Part 3 of 4

When Putin stated in July that Moscow had barely started its campaign in Ukraine, daring the west to try to defeat it on the battlefield, it was considered a sign of Russia's readiness to continue its military campaign in Ukraine...
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Background Check 2 years temu

The scalable world war ahead

Nancy Pelosi's visit to Taiwan begins a new era of confrontation between the US and China, and with it, marks the beginning of an already open conflict over Eurasia...
S&F Hero 3 years temu

Russian Protracted War in Ukraine: The Revolt of Eurasia – Part 1 of 4

The war in Ukraine is escalating from one stage of the escalation ladder into another, but much higher than the previous, and no end is feasible on the horizon...
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Background Check 3 years temu

Ukraine, sequencing and denial

The war in Ukraine unleashed by Russia represents the most serious challenge that has been faced by the United States since the end of the Cold War...
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Background Check 3 years temu

The Global Context of the Space Factor in the Russo-Ukrainian War. Part 3 of 4

Space is the mother of war in the 21st century. Without space technologies, war would immediately be brought back to the first half of the 20th century. Armies would be myopic compared with contemporary armies. Modern logistics, communications and cybersecurity fully depend on the space domain...
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Background Check 3 years temu

Intermarium Strategic Survey I

Now, with the war in Ukraine raging, and an open challenge to the international order being laid down by Russia in a way not witnessed in Europe since the end of the second world war we believe it is critically important...
Background Check 3 years temu

The Global Context of the Space Factor in the Russo-Ukrainian War. Part 2 of 4

The war in Ukraine is study time for military strategists throughout the world, who have been closely observing, learning and examining every move made on both sides of the battlefield...
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Background Check 3 years temu

“The Anxious Dream”- à rebours? A political plan for Poland’s victory and peace in the East. Part 1

My attention was drawn towards the following poem during Easter whilst reading Professor Andrzej Nowak’s latest book, the chapter describing Poland’s dependence on the Soviet empire after World War II...
Background Check 3 years temu

A few remarks on the political strategy of the Polish state in the new European circumstances (theses for discussion)

Interdependence is not a sufficient guarantee of peace, but breaking interdependence makes peace even more fragile and insecure. This is how one could define the essence of the strategic dilemma into which the democratic West has faced Russia since the outbreak of the war in Eastern Europe...
S&F Hero 3 years temu

The War for Resources: An examination of Russian geoeconomic goals in Ukraine

The geopolitics of the Russo-Ukrainian War has historical, security and ideological implications, but we shouldn’t avoid the environmental factor of this war...
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Background Check 3 years temu

What Does Russia have left to Attack Poland during the Invasion of Ukraine?

The Russian invasion of Ukraine has predictably fixed a substantial proportion of the Russian Armed Forces...
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Mackinder’s Nightmare, and Three Weeks that Shook the World

On the night of February 23rd to 24th, 2022, everything seemed to be going as Putin had planned. At the same time, the course of events was the nightmare of Halford Mackinder’s worst dreams...
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Background Check 3 years temu

Future Warfare: The Dehumanisation of C2 – Part 4 of 4

Autonomous systems are a dangerous element of future warfare. Especially taking into account the prospect of so-called Lethal Autonomous Weapons (LAWs), controlled by machine learning and AI...
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Background Check 3 years temu

The Geopolitical Drama of Eastern Europe. Could Eastern Europe once again be partitioned? Part 2 of 2

The main take-away points from the events in Belarus from the summer of 2020 (the unrest of the pro-Western factions of Belarusian civil society) until the current refugee crisis on the Belarusian border with the EU are the following...
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Background Check 3 years temu

The Geopolitical Drama of Eastern Europe. Could Eastern Europe once again be partitioned? Part 1 of 2

The current crisis on the Polish-Belarusian border suggests that Eastern Europe won’t see peace and stability in this decade. The Ukrainian crisis together with the Belarussian crisis gives enough evidence that processes are occurring within the region that can affect the entire European continent, much more than was the case in 2014...
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Background Check 3 years temu

Future Warfare: The Dehumanisation of C2 – Part 2 of 4

The speed and manoeuvrability of combat with the use of robotic systems is increasing so quickly that for humans it will soon be difficult to compete with autonomous robotic systems...
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Background Check 3 years temu

Future Warfare: The Dehumanisation of C2 – Part 1 of 4

It is possible to predict that the system of Command and Control in the armies of the future will be based upon intertwined cooperation or assistance of AI/ML. The consequences of this cooperation have geopolitical and directly-military aftermaths...
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Background Check 3 years temu

Calculating Russian Force Projection Capability

The Russian Armed Forces implemented many reforms after the 2008 Georgian War, consolidating military districts, streamlining command-and-control structure, and switching from a division- to a brigade-centric order of battle...
Background Check 3 years temu

What awaits us in 2022?

It seems that 2022 may not be easy, bringing many challenges to the world and Poland. We at S&F will list a few of them, focusing on the absolute most important issues...
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S&F Hero 3 years temu

India in the In-Between Era

India and their strategic thinking are generally unknown to us. Their classic Kautilya is not as popular as Sun Tzu or Clausewitz. Furthermore, modern Indian geostrategists or geopoliticians also remain beyond our interest...
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S&F Hero 3 years temu

World Ocean versus the Continent. Part 2

The battlefield for superiority has always been value chains and the resulting global division of labour. They determine new technology and investment cycles...
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S&F Hero 3 years temu

Forced March on Poti and Senaki: Russian Spetsnaz Operation in Georgia in 2008. Part 2

Shamanov in his interview does not mention the role of the 45th Guards Spetsnaz Brigade during the war on the Abkhazian front.  However, many sources indicate that the 45th Guards Spetsnaz Brigade undertook the most dangerous operations during the war in the Abkhazian TVD...
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Background Check 3 years temu

On the phenomenon of senility, or a further story of the New Model Forces. Part 1 (A fragment from “Wojna w kosmosie. Przewrót w geopolityce”)

The costs of designing, developing and producing weapons increase with the need to find a remedy for the enemy’s means of combating these weapons. And so the race between defence and attack is in full swing...
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ANW, S&F Hero 3 years temu

The Conceptual Trap of War as a Ballet

Enshrined in doctrine, operational phasing dominates U.S. and NATO thinking on operational art...
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Background Check 3 years temu

The Last 21 Years: Year (2)019

Following Mike Pence’s 2018 Hudson Institute speech, the wider narrative around China began to change — just as it started to become clear how much of China’s wealth had been ploughed back into infrastructure and the military...
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Afghanistan: Consequences for World History

Let us abstract away from what is happening now in the world and concentrate on the historical importance of the events in Afghanistan. What follows here is my humble attempt to forecast the near future which is already just over the horizon...
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Background Check 3 years temu

War in space – a turning point in geopolitics

For the first time mankind has reached the frontiers of space, not for glory, but simply to win the war. Now he is also reaching out to space to earn money...
S&F Hero 4 years temu

The game for agency after Nord Stream

The case of NS2, New START, the Three Seas Initiative and Biden’s arrangements with Putin close the period of 30 years of geopolitical pause for Poland...
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S&F Hero 4 years temu

War Vs Peace Unit Update Report #10. May 2021

War Vs Peace Unit Update Report #10
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Background Check 4 years temu

Drone Guerilla Warfare in the Middle East: Part 1 of 5

Rapidly developing both in theory and in practice, drone warfare will in the near future likely define and shape the nature of war...
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“Gente Polonus natione Europae?” – the voice of one of the subscribers. Part 2

Europe is part of "Western civilisation", to which, apart from Europe itself, it is customary to include all its (regrettably, usually evolved as a result of rape) "children": primarily North America, with the United States as a global power, and Latin America, with Brazil growing in importance in the global puzzle, as well as the area of ​​Australia and Oceania...
Background Check 4 years temu


After the recent talks between Blinken and Lavrov, and the US and Germany getting along over Nordstream, we smelled Rapallo. Obviously different than 100 years ago, but the mechanism is similar...
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S&F Hero 4 years temu

The Last 21 Years: Year (2)018

10 years after the Beijing Olympics had showcased the awakening of Napoleon’s “sleeping giant”, 2018 was the year that America signalled - finally (?) - that it would now be taking a much tougher approach...
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Background Check 4 years temu

A Polish perspective on the strategic choices facing America. Part 1

Any effective strategy (for a country in Poland’s position) requires an understanding of one’s own limitations, both related to the foundations of one’s own power and to the existing obligations of a superpower...
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Background Check 4 years temu

Return to the Republic: The Polish Premier at Wawel

We are continuing our new series at Strategy&Future, writing simulated speeches for Poland’s politicians on the most important and important issues of foreign policy and grand strategy. We associate it with real events and the opportunities to deliver such speeches...
Przemówienia, S&F Hero 4 years temu

Special Operations Forces Command and Crimean Operation

In 2013 Russia’s Defence Minister Sergey Shoygu and Chief of General Staff Valery Gerasimov jointly announced the creation of a Special Operations Forces...
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Background Check 4 years temu

The Last 21 Years: Year (2)016

Some years are more memorable than others: the terror attacks of 2001, the Iraq invasion of 2003, Hurricane Katrina in 2005, the birth of the smartphone era in 2007, the financial crisis of 2008, the ‘Arab Spring’ in 2011, the annexation of Crimea and the war in the Donbas in 2014. And although we might not have thought so at first, 2016 would turn out to be another “one of those years”!
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The Last 21 Years: Year (2)015

2015 was the year of the European Migrant Crisis, when makeshift refugee camps in Greek Islands off the coast of Turkey began filling up with families (and young men) fleeing the ongoing Syrian Civil War...
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The Last 21 Years: Year (2)014

The Euromaidan protests in Kyiv started on 21st November 2013 after President Viktor Yanukovich announced Ukraine’s suspension of an association agreement with the EU, meaning the East European country would instead seek closer ties with Moscow. This was a post-colour revolution...
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Background Check 4 years temu

Australia’s role in America’s war with China. Part 2

Perhaps the greatest operational advantage of the USA over the Chinese side is the possibility of waging a modern submarine war in conditions of domination over the enemy, both in terms of combat technology and training of the crews...
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S&F Hero 4 years temu

The Last 21 Years: 2013

Barack Obama’s (second) inauguration speech on 21st January 2013 contained this rather hopeful line: “A decade of war is now ending”...
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Background Check 4 years temu

The Last 21 Years: (2)012

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Background Check 4 years temu

The Last 21 Years: (2)011

We have to be careful about the terms we use to describe events. As Tim Marshall argued in the Spectator in October 2012, “calling these events the ‘Arab Spring’ automatically frames them as positive”...
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Background Check 4 years temu

The Last 21 Years: (2)010

On 4th January 2010, the Burj Khalifa opened in Dubai. At 828 metres, it was the world’s tallest building...
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Background Check 4 years temu

The Last 21 Years: Year (2)009

The phrase “up in the air” perfectly captures the world at the beginning of 2009 (and, arguably, ever since)...
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The Last 21 Years: Year (2)004

Taipei 101 — named after its 101 floors — opened on 31st December 2004, having earlier in the year been recognised as the world’s tallest skyscraper at 509.2 m (spire), 449.2 m (roof height). Under President Chen Shui-bian of the nationalist Democratic Progressive Party (DPP), who was re-elected in March 2004 after a four-year term, the Republic of China (Taiwan) had begun to distance itself from the PRC...
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Background Check 4 years temu

Artemis: the USA’s return to the Moon

The United States is planning to return to the Moon, but this time it looks more serious and aggressive than ever...
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Background Check 4 years temu

Ridvan Bari Urcosta and Marek Budzisz talk to Dr. Can Kasapoğlu on the geopolitical future of Turkey (Podcast)

Ridvan Bari Urcosta and Marek Budzisz talk to Dr. Can Kasapoğlu...
Audio & Video 4 years temu

Jacek Bartosiak talks to Parag Khanna on the future of the world (Podcast)

Jacek Bartosiak talks to Parag Khanna on the future of the world, patterns of globalization, and...
Audio & Video 4 years temu

Turkish Drones Doctrine: Advance Technology that gives Advance Geopolitics

In the recent decade, the advanced UAVs technologies proliferated far beyond the traditional powers -  Israel, the U.S. and West, at large - that dominated this technological field...
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Background Check 4 years temu

Jacek Bartosiak talks to John J. Klein on the Space Warfare

Jacek Bartosiak talks to John J. Klein on the Space Warfare and the future of US Space Force...
Audio & Video 4 years temu

S&F Hero: Strategic flows

There is only one god – Poseidon – god of the sea; there is only one legitimate church confessing this god...
S&F Hero 5 years temu
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