The Concert of Powers at the Opera House in Lviv

It’s complicated.

The concept of a “New Concert of Great Powers” is increasingly cited as an analogy to the nineteenth-century balance of powers, which was established to “ensure security and peace” in Europe after the conflagration of the Napoleonic wars. Now, none of the nations of Europe is strong enough to be able to play first violin in the potential new concert of powers – should such emerge.

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Autor Marcin Kulaszka
Attorney-at-law, a University of Warsaw graduate, a keen observer of existing correlations and adjustments being applied in the global economy and societies. He specializes in business legal support, with particular emphasis on international entities, and a broadly defined law of contracts. Marcin was involved in numerous non-standard projects, including those of cross-border nature, requiring „outside the box” legal solutions. In Amsterdam he worked for one of the largest American corporations managing a global logistics real estate portfolio. Currently, working for a state-owned company established to develop one of infrastructural projects of strategic economic importance.
In Marcin’s view, the key for the growth of societies and wealth creation is care for quality of interpersonal communication, promotion of interdisciplinary knowledge and continuous development.
Data 27/02/2020
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