The painful reality of strategic flows, and a history lesson

The current epidemiological situation shows the tangible reality of the impact the flow of people and goods makes on our lives. As long as goods flow between countries – from places where production is located to sales markets – the world economy and our lives go along the well known track. But when supply lines are cut painfully, we become convinced of the fragility of globalisation.

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Autor Kuba Gąsiorowski
Holds Ph.D. in law, an expert in the field of the history of American political and legal thought, author of "The American Project". Alumnus of the Fulbright Scholarship in Washington D.C. His articles were published by the Jagiellonian Club, New Confederation and Rzeczpospolita Daily. He is an attorney working in international trade. Short-listed for the "Rising Stars 2019" Award by "Legal Newspaper Daily" and Wolters Kluwer publishing house.
Data 23/03/2020
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