War in the Pacific, Autumn 2024, and the Prigozhin rebellion
Structural issues, i.e. a set of conflicting interests between the United States and China, prevent them from getting out of the spiral of growing rivalry in the summer of 2023. The political imbalance in and around Eurasia is growing, and with it more and more tensions and disputes, and the mutual perception of both these powers, both in terms of mutual intentions and, perhaps above all, the possibility of harming the other side in the globalised flows of the world economy and not only there. Now or in the near future. This begs the question of the leadership of both countries, and how the leaders are coping in a dynamic situation of growing distrust with a large number of contentious current issues. But also in the context of events and decisions that may be taken or will occur in the future: from the embargo on semiconductors and bans on cooperation in the development of artificial intelligence, through the ban on the export of machines for the production of new technologies.
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