Heading for outer space. Part 3: Space resources

Goldrush – this is a term that’s increasingly used in the media in the context of space. Mention is made of a new Wild West and a space race in which not only prestige is at stake, but the wealth and conquest of “new globes”. It is not uncommon to talk about US imperialism or the phantasmagorias of President Donald Trump.



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Autor Kamil Muzyka
PhD student at the Institute of Legal Sciences of the Polish Academy of Sciences. Co-host of the website Prawo i Kosmos – Prawo Kosmiczne (Law and Space - Law of Space). Member of the Rzecznicy Nauki (Spokesmen of Science) association and the Space Generation Advisory Council. He investigates the legal aspects of space production (acquisition and use of raw materials and patent protection), as well as the use of robots and systems based on forms of artificial intelligence in legal and economic transactions.
Data 09/06/2020
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