Wpisy z tagu: Now We Know Found 6 results

Making realism real – using competing theories in analysis and strategy

As realists, we tend to perceive international politics in terms of rivalry over resources, with a specific focus on hard power – geography, military, economy...
Background Check 2 years temu

“Gente Polonus natione Europae?” – the voice of one of the subscribers. Part 2

Europe is part of "Western civilisation", to which, apart from Europe itself, it is customary to include all its (regrettably, usually evolved as a result of rape) "children": primarily North America, with the United States as a global power, and Latin America, with Brazil growing in importance in the global puzzle, as well as the area of ​​Australia and Oceania...
Background Check 3 years temu

Poland on the Black Sea

“Poland from sea to sea” (Polska od morza do morza). This slogan is most often associated with the 16th century and the period of the greatest power of the Polish Republic...
Background Check 3 years temu

“Gente Polonus natione Europae?” – the voice of one of the subscribers. Part 1

This essay is not strictly geopolitical in nature, but the cultural issues raised in it, in the field of comparative studies of civilisation, are naturally related to geopolitics...
Background Check 3 years temu

Romania: Poland’s natural, underestimated ally

„ [..] And the Pole must stay on this land, so that Polish tears and Polish blood will not be wasted, because this land is poured with Polish blood to defend it…”

On the necessity to include climate considerations in long-term security and strategy planning

Regardless of whether the ongoing changes in the world’s climate are man-induced, the reality of their occurrence is a fact...
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