Wpisy z tagu: Belarus Found 2 results

The Geopolitical Drama of Eastern Europe. Could Eastern Europe once again be partitioned? Part 2 of 2

The main take-away points from the events in Belarus from the summer of 2020 (the unrest of the pro-Western factions of Belarusian civil society) until the current refugee crisis on the Belarusian border with the EU are the following...
Artykuł tylko dla subskrybentów. Aby przeczytać, zakup plan Subskrypcja miesięczna or Subskrypcja roczna odnawialna
Background Check 2 years temu

Jarosław Kaczyński on war

It is very puzzling, the calmness with which public opinion received the statements of the most important politician in the country on the real possibility of a war with Russia (and Belarus)...
ANW, Background Check 3 years temu
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