The invasion of Ukraine became a serious trigger for the development of military writings inside Russia. Since the beginning of the war, many books have been published that describe the Russian military and geopolitical mindset and conduct...
The invasion of Ukraine became a serious trigger for the development of military writings inside Russia. Since the beginning of the war, many books have been published that describe the Russian military and geopolitical mindset and conduct. These books were often published for propagandist purposes, but the old Western school of Sovietology teaches us that to win over the enemy, we must grasp his way of thinking and find his weaknesses...
I present an alternative course of history. What if the Russians had achieved their goals and seized Kyiv in February 2022 in a brilliant four-day campaign and, as a result, established a sympathetic government fully implementing Moscow's will? The story begins on 28th February 2022...
"Where goest..." presents a list of requirements and considerations that should guide NATO's new Strategy aimed at deterring future Russian aggression...
The naval and maritime factor in the Russo-Ukrainian War has a multidimensional expression and it will play a more important role due to the geopolitical and existential importance to Ukraine and Russia of the Black Sea, the Sea of Azov, the Dnieper River and some other big rivers...
The decision of Beijing to publicly propose a peace resolution plan for the war in Ukraine was determined by many factors, however, the key component was that China decided to act as a global-scale arbiter...
On March 5, 2022, the Government of the Russian Federation approved the decree “List of foreign states and territories that are committing unfriendly actions towards the Russian Federation”. There were proposed three categories of the states: ‘friendly’, ‘unfriendly’ and ‘neutral states’...
The war in Ukraine is a unique geopolitical event that resembles and combines many previous international and revolutionary wars that changed the course of history...
The year-long war in Ukraine doesn’t demonstrate any sign of ending soon. On the contrary, everything indicates that the war hasn’t yet reached its apogee...
This part of the series is a record of conclusions and observations resulting directly from conversations with the participants of this war — soldiers and officers...
Despite receiving enormous military, economic, social and financial assistance from the West, the Ukrainian economy and social situation are going to deteriorate...
The Soviet general and historian Bobylev disagrees with Zakharov, saying that he was the first to describe the wargames in detail, but he makes many key errors...
In January 1941, the situation forced the Soviet Command to look at the wargames as something more than a merely theoretical routine but as the projection of the real war...
In February this year, war broke out in the east. Russia attacked Ukraine. A certain stage in the history of our region and in the history of the world has come to an end...
All the Germans, Russians and American generals in 1940 had played wargames as young boys with tin soldiers colored Red and Blue, but this time it was old men playing the theoretical games...
In February this year, war broke out in the east. Russia attacked Ukraine. A certain stage in the history of our region and in the history of the world has come to an end. For years, here at Strategy&Future, we have been talking and writing about the need to prepare for the new times, to prepare for the reform of the Polish military. These new times have come...
Sometimes offensive actions and the manoeuvre of heavy units are necessary, but they must be well thought out and planned, because this is completely different from defensive actions...
On the fields of Ukraine, the twentieth-century method of conducting land war (centred on attack, tank columns, a fairly shallow front, and always incomplete reconnaissance, where the fog of war still reigns) is dying out...
When Putin stated in July that Moscow had barely started its campaign in Ukraine, daring the west to try to defeat it on the battlefield, it was considered a sign of Russia's readiness to continue its military campaign in Ukraine...
In order to understand the current course of the war in Ukraine, we must go to the Marxist theory of war, which serves as the foundation for Russian military doctrine...
The war in Ukraine is escalating from one stage of the escalation ladder into another, but much higher than the previous, and no end is feasible on the horizon...
Usually, when Russian military strategists or statesmen speak about military theories or doctrine, they concern the global or regional character rather than explaining the theory of the war at the tactical level...
Jak informują dziennikarze ukraińskiej edycji magazynu „Forbes”, firma DTEK Energo, której właścicielem jest największy ukraiński oligarcha Rinat Achmetow, jest obecnie, w związku z wojną, warta ok. 580 mln dolarów...
Russia has been forced to cooperate closely with UK and US space companies, more than ever, in achieving their common goal, which is to continue their global dominance in the Earth’s orbit...
Russia is currently using the old strategy of “Artillery is the God of War”. It is often possible to see how Russian experts are discussing the importance of artillery...
Space is the mother of war in the 21st century. Without space technologies, war would immediately be brought back to the first half of the 20th century. Armies would be myopic compared with contemporary armies. Modern logistics, communications and cybersecurity fully depend on the space domain...
The war in Ukraine is study time for military strategists throughout the world, who have been closely observing, learning and examining every move made on both sides of the battlefield...
Just as one hundred years ago, the war did not bring about the establishment of a federation, despite the Kyiv expedition, Ukrainian attempts supported by Poland, great victories of the Polish soldiers near Warsaw and on the Niemen River...
In addition to Putin’s two declared goals in Ukraine, “denazification” and “demilitarisation,” we should think about adding a third, which is to deprive the country of access to any source of traditional energy like coal, hydro, thermal, or nuclear power stations, most of which are stationed in Eastern and Central Ukraine...
On the night of February 23rd to 24th, 2022, everything seemed to be going as Putin had planned. At the same time, the course of events was the nightmare of Halford Mackinder’s worst dreams...
Ukraine is resisting Russian aggression. Ukraine and the Ukrainian people have lost their territories, infrastructure, military material but it still holds its soul, pride, and zealously resists...
W niedzielę 27 lutego (na dzień przed spotkaniem rosyjskich i ukraińskich zespołów negocjacyjnych) prezydent Władimir Putin poinformował o postawieniu w stan podwyższonej gotowości sił nuklearnych Federacji Rosyjskiej...
Autonomous systems are a dangerous element of future warfare. Especially taking into account the prospect of so-called Lethal Autonomous Weapons (LAWs), controlled by machine learning and AI...
In the 1990s, when Ukraine was forced to give up the nuclear weapons it had inherited from the Soviet Union, John Mearsheimer published a text that is forgotten today, arguing that Ukraine should remain a nuclear state against the will of the United States...
What’s brewing In the United States is not exclusively only one concept of future warfare based around JADC2, but something more sophisticated and sometimes even more controversial...
The speed and manoeuvrability of combat with the use of robotic systems is increasing so quickly that for humans it will soon be difficult to compete with autonomous robotic systems...
On 5th December 1994, the three depository states of the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT) that entered into force on 5th March 1970 - Russia, UK, and the US - pledged to provide security assurances to Belarus, Kazakhstan and Ukraine...
It is possible to predict that the system of Command and Control in the armies of the future will be based upon intertwined cooperation or assistance of AI/ML. The consequences of this cooperation have geopolitical and directly-military aftermaths...
Since the publication of my guide calculating how many battalion tactical groups (BTGs) the Russian Armed Forces could generate against Poland, a couple critiques have been levelled at whether this is the best way to understand how Russia would fight Poland and/or NATO at large...
The Russian Armed Forces implemented many reforms after the 2008 Georgian War, consolidating military districts, streamlining command-and-control structure, and switching from a division- to a brigade-centric order of battle...
The Russian aggression against Ukraine since 2014 has reanimated in Ukraine the political and intellectual discussion over Ukraine’s restoration of nuclear power status. This initiative was immediately integrated into the informational war against Russia by the Ukrainian political establishment...
It is very puzzling, the calmness with which public opinion received the statements of the most important politician in the country on the real possibility of a war with Russia (and Belarus)...
Shamanov in his interview does not mention the role of the 45th Guards Spetsnaz Brigade during the war on the Abkhazian front. However, many sources indicate that the 45th Guards Spetsnaz Brigade undertook the most dangerous operations during the war in the Abkhazian TVD...
The Russo-Georgian War in 2008 was not a challenge for the Georgian Armed Forces exclusively, but also for Russia. In fact, the consequences of the war triggered the process of the modernisation of the Russian Armed Forces...
The costs of designing, developing and producing weapons increase with the need to find a remedy for the enemy’s means of combating these weapons. And so the race between defence and attack is in full swing...
Warsaw, 11th November 2021, Independence Day, 12:00 p.m., the long-announced speech of Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki in the presence of Jarosław Kaczyński...
The Russian Armed Forces has witnessed a lot in its history, but they have never had a situation when the chief person in the Armed Forces was an accountant...
Considered the biggest reformer of the Pentagon, Robert McNamara was able to consolidate civilian political control over the military leadership and the defence budget...
The New Generation Warfare (NGW) revolution is not only exclusively about warfare but is about the comprehensive revolution inside the entire military realm and in the supplementary sectors...
Just as art arises from the meeting of culture with circumstances, and just as great art arises from an encounter with extraordinary circumstances, the way of waging war is a meeting of the strategic culture of a state with extreme circumstances, bringing death and destruction, sometimes even the end of that state...
Let us abstract away from what is happening now in the world and concentrate on the historical importance of the events in Afghanistan. What follows here is my humble attempt to forecast the near future which is already just over the horizon...
The biblical story of David leads to several conclusions about the development of weapons and the nature of warfare. New breakthrough technology often feels less advanced than the old...
Israel has responded to the activities of the militants in Lebanon and Palestine by developing a genuinely sophisticated system of UCAVs which encompass strategic, medium-size and tactical drones...
It has become popular to refer to Turkey as the main drone “superpower” in the region, but it would be a grave mistake to think that in the Middle East only Israel and Turkey have developed sophisticated UAV industries...
Poland has joined the list of countries that are going to operate the Turkish Bayraktar UAVs. In the near future, Turkish drones are going to fly in the skies of Poland and the Baltic countries along with the other countries...
The experiences of previous Russian-Ukrainian confrontations shows that the easiest task for Moscow was to take control over Kharkov and Sloboda Ukraine...
Theatre of War “C” – the Northern Tavrida ‘Peninsula’ - from a geopolitical perspective, this theatre is given by the geopolitical divine to be occupied if the Crimean Peninsula is already under control...
Scenario Five - this scenario is closer to the second scenario or even to the first one, but in this scenario, Russia imposes its entire technological superiority and destroys the main concentrations of Ukrainian military equipment, material and navy...
“We’re a maritime nation – we’ve grown by the sea and live by it; if we lose command of it we starve” – this is what the English used to say. The Americans still say it today. So it is no coincidence that the US Navy is the pride of the American armed forces - nor is it a coincidence that aircraft carriers are the pride of the US Navy, a symbol of its power and the United States.
In 2013 Russia’s Defence Minister Sergey Shoygu and Chief of General Staff Valery Gerasimov jointly announced the creation of a Special Operations Forces...
Boxing is maybe the best way to explain Turkey’s place in world politics. The weight class of Turkey has changed throughout history, but Turkey was always either a member of the heavyweight division or somewhere between light heavyweight and middleweight...