Wpisy z tagu: New Generation Warfare Found 4 results

Russian Pre-War Battle Doctrine and the War in Ukraine

Usually, when Russian military strategists or statesmen speak about military theories or doctrine, they concern the global or regional character rather than explaining the theory of the war at the tactical level...
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Background Check 3 years temu

The Global Context of the Space Factor in the Russo-Ukrainian War. Part 2 of 4

The war in Ukraine is study time for military strategists throughout the world, who have been closely observing, learning and examining every move made on both sides of the battlefield...
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Background Check 3 years temu

The Global Context of the Space Factor in the Russo-Ukrainian War. Part 1 of 4

Satellites have turned Ukrainian territory into the zone of the most transparent war in military history. Both sides see each other’s moves and can predict and calculate options and scenarios...
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Background Check 3 years temu

Drone Guerilla Warfare in the Middle East: Part 5 of 5

In the near future nobody is going to establish international rules for the different types of UAVs. The proliferation of drone technologies and their decreasing prices on the global market are going to continue...
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Background Check 4 years temu
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